Monday, March 1, 2010

Intelligender, or UN-intelligender!?

After much discussion, (aka - me begging steve) we decided to go ahead and try Intelligender! For a mere $30.00 at walgreens you are supposed to be able to tell if you are having a girl or boy in as little as 10 minutes. Sounds great, right!? So, Sunday morning I collect my FIRST mornings urine -! Then I fill up the stopper, deposit it into the tester, SWIRL it around for 10 seconds, set my timer for 10 minutes and we are OFF! The test says if it stays clear or turns a more yellow or orange it's a girl result. If it turns cloudy or dark then it's a boy result. Well, I will let you guys judge for yourself! My result was clear in the middle and dark on the top and bottom...hmmmmmm. Thinking I will email this to the smarties and Intelligender and see what they think of my result! I'll let you all know if I get an answer. So, as you can imagine, I got at least a dozen, "I told you so's" from my Honey.....dang, don't you just hate being wrong! LOL......Live and Learn!

(p.s. I had this turned to the girl side because right off the bat it looked clear to me, but hey - who knows?)

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