Dr. Poag also mentioned that I have placenta previa, which she said, is very common this early on in pregnancy. That means that my placenta is growing low in my uterus, covering my cervix. She said most of the time this will correct itself as the pregnancy continues. If not, I will need a C-Section when it comes time to deliver. Let's all hope that's not necessary, I would really like to deliver the old fashioned way.....despite all the painful horror stories!! LOL
I also wanted to say thank you to all the family and friends who are so supportive and love reading my blog. I know it may be a little graphic from time to time, but I try to make it funny! I figure if I am going to be miserable, I might as well get a good laugh out of it.
Hope you enjoy our latest photos of Baby Schoff, I know I can't stop looking at them....I'm already a proud Momma!!
I love reading your baby blog! You are right, I can't wait to know...girl? or boy?!!!!